
Hearthstone | C'Thun Ramp Druid Deck & Decklist | Constructed STANDARD | NEW CARDS

2016-04-28 20 Dailymotion

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked / STANDARD
C'Thun Ramp Druid Deck

Potential: we will see, maybe legend maybe not, too early ;)

OldGods is out boys, so new cards, new deck, new fun!
All current decks are not perfectly optimised so any feedback and suggestion is most welcome!
I'm pretty sure that Priest, Warrior and Druid will see the strongest C'thun decks in standard so I will cover them first. You need to mulligan hard for your ramp cards. Wild Growth into Mire Keeper into Dark Arakkoa is just insane!

Any more questions? Just post a comment below and I`m glad to help you.
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Thanks for watching! (✿◠‿◠)
► Decklist ◄
[Mana] Card Name

[0]Innervate 2x
[2]Wild Growth 2x
[2]Wrath 2x
[4]Keeper of the Grove
[4]Klaxxi Amber-Weaver 2x
[4]Mire Keeper 2x
[4]Swipe 2x
[5]Druid of the Claw 2x
[6]Dark Arakkoa 2x

[2]Beckoner of Evil 2x
[3]Brann Bronzebeard
[3]Disciple of C'Thun 2x
[3]Twilight Elder 2x
[5]Azure Drake 2x
[5]big game hunter
[7]Twin Emperor Vek'lor